Dodging the bugs this winter

The cooler weather always seems to bring an increase in upper respiratory illnesses. Recently there’s been a lot of different viruses doing the rounds and causing many people to become unwell. Although it can be hard to avoid catching the dreaded lurgy, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of dodging the bugs this winter.

You can definitely increase your chances of staying well if you take some simple precautions such as:

  • Wash your hands regularly. It sounds simple and we see the messaging everywhere but it really is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself.

  • Wear a mask in crowded places, particularly if it’s indoors. Once again, it’s basic advice but it can protect you from infection.

  • Consider using a saline spray (Fez is a well known brand) to keep your nasal membranes moist. This is particularly helpful if you are flying or spending lots of time in airconditioning.

It’s also important to look after your general health and immunity as this not only protects you from becoming infected, it also helps your body to recover if you do become unwell. To ensure that your immune system is in tip top condition to protect your from illness, there are some simple measures you can take:

  • Eat a whole food diet that contains plenty of fresh vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats. The Mediterranean style diet is a great way to go as it focuses on fresh, healthy food that simple to cook and delicious to eat.

  • Keep the processed, sugary foods to a minimum. Sugar suppresses your immune system.

  • Get out in the sunshine daily. This helps to balance your cortisol and can help to increase your vitamin D levels.

  • Make sure you are getting a good night’s sleep. Sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Aim for at least 7 hours each night.

  • Consider supplementing with nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D (test vitamin D levels before supplementing) over winter.

It’s not always possible to avoid getting sick but if your body is strong and healthy you should be able to bounce back quickly.


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